Peer-reviewed publications of David L. Abel

Recent peer-reviewed science journal publications, book chapters, lectures, and invited internet SciTopic pages relating to Primordial BioCybernetics/BioSemiotics of David L. Abel, Director, The Gene Emergence Project.

(The following list includes title and publication link)

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1. Abel David L. ed, The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control., The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control. New York, N.Y.: Longview Press Academic; 2011.

2. Abel David L., Primordial Prescription: The Most Plaguing Problem of Life Origin Science , New York, N. Y.: LongView Press Academic; 2015.

3. Abel David L., Constraints vs. Controls: Progressing from description to prescription in systems theory., Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal. 2010;4:14-27.

4. Abel David L., Moving far from equilibrium in a prebitoic environment: The role of Maxwell's Demon in life origin. , In: Seckbach J, Gordon R, eds., Genesis - In the Beginning: Precursors of Life, Chemical Models and Early Biological Evolution. Dordrecht: Springer; 2012:219-236

5. Abel David L., The Capabilities of Chaos and Complexity., . Int J Mol Sci. 2009;10 (Special Issue on Life Origin):247-291

6. Abel David L, Trevors JT., Self-Organization vs. Self-Ordering events in life-origin models, Physics of Life Reviews. 2006;3:211-228

7. Trevors JT, Abel DL., Chance and necessity do not explain the origin of life., Cell Biol Int. 2004;28(11):729-739.

8. Abel David L., The Universal Plausibility Metric (UPM) & Principle (UPP) , Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling 2009 6(27):1-10

9. Abel David L., The Genetic Selection (GS) Principle [Journal Paper]., Frontiers in Bioscience. 2009;14(January 1):2959-2969

10. Abel David L., Is life unique?, Life. 2012;2(1):106-134

11. Abel David L, Trevors JT., Three subsets of sequence complexity and their relevance to biopolymeric information., Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling. 2005;2:29-45.

12. Abel David L., Complexity, self-organization, and emergence at the edge of chaos in life-origin models. , Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 2007;93(4):1-20

13. Abel David L., The biosemiosis of prescriptive information., Semiotica. 2009(174):1-19

14. Abel David L, Trevors JT.,More than Metaphor: Genomes are Objective Sign Systems., In: Barbieri M, ed. BioSemiotic Research Trends. New York: Nova Science Publishers; 2007:1-15

15. Abel DL., The ‘Cybernetic Cut’: Progressing from Description to Prescription in Systems Theory., The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal. 2008;2:252-262 Open Access

16. Abel David L., The Formalism > Physicality (F > P) Principle., In: Abel David L, ed. In the First Gene: The birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control. New York, New York: Ed. LongView Press-Academic, 2011: Biological Research Division; 2011:447-492

17. Abel David L., Is Life Reducible to Complexity?, In: Palyi G, Zucchi C, Caglioti L, eds. Fundamentals of Life. Paris: Elsevier; 2002:57-72.

18. Durston KK, Chiu DK, Abel DL, Trevors JT., Measuring the functional sequence complexity of proteins., Theoretical biology & medical modelling. 2007;4:47.

19. Abel DL., What is ProtoBioCybernetics?, In: Abel DL, ed. The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control. New York, N.Y.: LongView Press-Academic: Biolog. Res. Div.; 2011:1-18

20. Abel DL., The three fundamental categories of reality., In: Abel DL, ed. The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control. New York, N.Y.: LongView Press-Academic: Biolog. Res. Div.; 2011:19-54

21. Abel DL., The Cybernetic Cut and Configurable Switch (CS) Bridge., In: Abel DL, ed. The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control. New York, N.Y.: LongView Press--Academic, Biol. Res. Div.; 2011:55-74

22. Abel DL., What utility does order, pattern or complexity prescribe?, In: Abel DL, ed. The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control. New York, N.Y.: LongView Press--Academic, Biol. Res. Div.; 2011:75-116

23. Abel DL., Linear Digital Material Symbol Systems (MSS)., In: Abel DL, ed. The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control. New York, N.Y.: LongView Press--Academic, Biol. Res. Div.; 2011:135-160

24. Abel DL., The Genetic Selection (GS) Principle. [Chapter], In: Abel DL, ed. The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control. New York, N.Y.: LongView Press--Academic; 2011:161-188

25. Abel DL.,The Birth of Protocells., In: Abel DL, ed. The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control. New York, N.Y.: LongView Press--Academic, Biol. Res. Div.; 2011:189-230

26. Abel DL., The Universal Plausibility Metric and Principle., In: Abel DL, ed. The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control. New York, N.Y.: LongView Press--Academic; 2011:305-324

27. Abel DL., The Formalism > Physicality (F > P) Principle., Scopous Sci-Topic Paper 2011

28. Abel DL., Examining specific life-origin models for plausibility., In: Abel DL, ed. The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control: LongView Press Academic; 2011:231-272

29. D'onofrio DJ, Abel DL., Redundancy of the genetic code enables translational pausing., Frontiers in Genetics. 2014;5:140

30. D'Onofrio DJ, Abel DL, Johnson DE., Dichotomy in the definition of prescriptive information suggests both prescribed data and prescribed algorithms: biosemiotics applications in genomic systems., Theor Biol Med Model. 2012;9(1):8

31. Abel David L.,The Cybernetic Cut and Configurable Switch (CS) Bridge., Scirus Sci-Topic Page 2012

32. Abel David L., Prescriptive Information (PI), [Scirus SciTopic Page]. 2009;

33. Abel David L., The Genetic Selection (GS) Principle [Scopus], [Scirus SciTopic Page]. 2009;

34. Abel David L., The Universal Plausibility Metric (UPM) & Principle (UPP), [Scirus SciTopic Page]. 2010;

35. Abel David L., The Law of Physicodynamic Incompleteness, [Scirus SciTopics Page]. 2010;

36. Abel David L., The Universal Determinism Dichotomy (UDD), [Scirus SciTopics Page]. 2011;

37. Abel David L. Functional Sequence Complexity (FSC) , [Scirus SciTpics Paper] 2011

38. Abel, David L. Constraints vs. Controls, [Scirus SciTopic Paper] 2011

39. Abel, David L. Life origin: The role of complexity at the edge of chaos., Lecture given at the Headquarters of the National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, Jerry Chandler and Kay Peg, Chairmen. 2006

40. Abel DL, Trevors JT. : Genomes are objective sign systems., Journal of BioSemiotics. 2006;1(2):253-267

41. Abel DL. The capabilities of chaos and complexity. Society for Chaos Theory: Society for Complexity in Psychology and the Life Sciences; Aug 8-10, 2008; International Conference at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. [This lecture is not avialable on-line]

42. Abel David L., . To what degree can we reduce "life" without "loss of life"?, In: Palyi G, Caglioti L, Zucchi C, eds. Workshop on Life: a satellite meeting before the Millenial World Meeting of University Professors. Vol Book of Abstracts. Modena, Italy: University of Modena; 2000:4

     [This lecture is not avialable on-line]

43. Abel DL. Short definitions of life. In: Palyi G, Zucchi C, Caglioti L, eds. Fundamentals of Life. Paris: Elsevier; 2002:15. [This lecture is not avialable on-line]